all postcodes in DE7 / HEANOR

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE7 9GA 26 0 52.985833 -1.325054
DE7 9GB 18 0 52.985634 -1.326412
DE7 9HA 10 0 52.983265 -1.320864
DE7 9HB 30 0 52.982775 -1.320112
DE7 9HD 12 0 52.982563 -1.32229
DE7 9HE 50 1 52.9847 -1.321854
DE7 9HF 43 0 52.984742 -1.321258
DE7 9HG 44 0 52.984321 -1.327863
DE7 9HH 23 1 52.985451 -1.325819
DE7 9HJ 49 0 52.984744 -1.323239
DE7 9HL 8 0 52.984629 -1.325162
DE7 9HN 27 0 52.984023 -1.322982
DE7 9HP 37 0 52.98278 -1.327231
DE7 9HQ 7 0 52.985174 -1.326241
DE7 9HR 23 0 52.983558 -1.326474
DE7 9HT 59 0 52.984514 -1.325417
DE7 9HU 48 0 52.983434 -1.323721
DE7 9HW 25 0 52.984024 -1.32462
DE7 9HX 14 0 52.983418 -1.322425
DE7 9HY 10 0 52.983905 -1.322775